FLAME University (India)
Foundation of Liberal and Management Education, Pune (India) was set-up with an innovative concept of Liberal Education in India. Anu Radha was challenged in setting up and creating a brand campaign of this new concept through schools and colleges across India. This was inclusive of creating various communication strategies that were inclusive of:
- Marketing representatives set-up across India for creating awareness and benefits of Liberal Education
- Training of Trainers through Communication workshop for project execution and deliverables
- Design & development of IEC material (Information Education Communication)
- Creating an Interactive Web campaign for ease of Student communication, thus enabling admissions
- Targets and achievements through strategically designing modules of marketing
- Participation in Education Fairs and other mediums of marketing initiatives for bringing a new concept
- Assisting students who are undergoing transitions in their education process, providing information on college admission procedures
- Organizing workshops and presentations of FLAME with important stakeholders across India, including FLAME faculty
- Separate communication modules were designed for courses that saw a dip in admissions
- Financial management and evaluation of the project versus deliverables
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